Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment

Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment Book

My review

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Reading a book is an important decision. It represents a choice. A good book makes you grow, professionally and humanely. You have made a correct choice and invested your time to read it.

This book is an excellent choice for reading and studying.

Why? Because it’s incredible!

It’s rich in valuable content from high-level professionals on very interesting topics.

Thank you Tony for your contribution and for doing this incredible collection work!

It’s practical, useful, inspiring, stimulating and deserves to be read and reread several times. Studied and re-examined.

It offers an extraordinary amount of insights and topics to explore, as well as an exceptional amount of information from which to start and develop further.

There are many mathematical aspects behind the complex algorithms that govern financial markets. This requires a solid foundation of mathematics, statistics and Artificial Intelligence, as well as knowledge of the mechanisms intrinsic to financial markets.

This book allows for in-depth reflection on Machine Learning and the efficient use that can be made of it in finance.

Definitely, a book that will enrich the mind and that I feel like advising.

BONUS : For those who want to get their hands you can find a huge amount of material related to this book (and not only) on this GitHub Link

Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment Book Review
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Donata Petrelli